Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New List: Places I Want to Visit While Here

I just came back from a super fantastic weekend in which I went to Switzerland, Germany, & France in 1 day. Yes...3 countries in 1 day. It was a busy weekend but I saw some amazing sites & it was well worth it. However, now I have been bitten by the bug. The travel bug. So many places I want to see... Think I am going to make a list & see how close I come to meeting these goals in the time that I am here.

1. Reykjavik, Iceland - To see the Aurora Borealis.
2. Oslo, Norway
3. Stockholm, Sweden
4. Berlin, Germany
5. Zurich, Switzerland
6. Vaduz, Liechtenstein - Just to say that I went to Liechtenstein!
7. Vienna, Austria - and I want to go to a classical music concert there
8. London, England - and Stonehenge
9. Dublin, Ireland
10. Glasgow, Scotland
11. Andorra La Vella, Andorra
12. Luxembourg
13. Prague, Czech Republic
14. All over Denmark
15. Rome, Italy
16. Athens & Santorini Greece
17. Malta
18. Barcelona, Spain
19. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
20. Budapest, Hungary

Think I can do it???


  1. Love the list! And numbers 1 & 19 are on my bucket list :)

  2. Sooo...I think you should (both) plan a trip & I will gladly meet you there! :)
