Sunday, May 1, 2011

What I Miss / What I Enjoy

Before I left, I created a Top 10 List of things I will miss & things I look forward to (see previous posts).  Now that I have been here for a month, I will update both lists (but keep it to Top 5).

What I miss:

1. Dopey, Family, & Friends: You are my rock. No part of the world is ever as great as the one where you are surrounded by the ones you love.

2. My car. Technology is a good thing & we have made so many advances in transportation since the days of the horse & cart...People in Copenhagen should get up to speed with it. The problem is that cars are taxed at up to 200% of their value. Yes, 200%. Complain about your taxes in the US now! Go ahead. I dare you. 

3. Understanding. I wish I understood street signs & menus. I wish I knew how to prounounce the words I am reading. I'm not so arrogant as to demand that it all be in English (though that really would be ideal) but I'd at least like to understand it. It should make some sense. That isn't asking too much is it? 

4. My stuff. My container is still not on a vessel. It's somewhere in the US & I have no idea where it is or when it's actually coming. But I want my cooking spices, my CLOTHES, & all the little things I bought for this move. I didn't pack enough thinking that my items would be arriving next weekend. Instead, I am being told that I may not get my things until the end of May.

5. My job. I miss my old job. My former coworkers were amazing & we all had a great rapport. Nothing against anyone I work with now...But I miss the work I did before & the people that I did that work with.

What I Enjoy:

1. I'm still hoping to travel! Looking to see if I can book something soon.

2. Meeting new people. I've met some cool people so far from all parts of the world. I'm learning about different cultures & customs. And no matter where we are from, we all think we came from the best part of the globe. ;-)

3. Exploring the City. I am trying to sightsee as much as I can & it's great to live in a city w/ so many sights to offer.

4. My apartment. It's nice! It's not as small as I thought it would be & decorated very nicely. It's in a great neighborhood. I used to live in a 350 sq ft efficiency w/ my dog & had to go to the laundromat & I had no car at the time. I haven't forgotten where I came from so as I sit in my fully furnished & fully paid for apartment in Copenhagen, Denmark, I can't help to be grateful for all of God's blessings in my life.

5. Learning about myself. If nothing else, I am in a period of self discovery. I am learning what I am capable of & discovering things about myself that maybe I didn't recognize or realize until now that I am in a situation so far out of the boundaries of my comfort zone.

I wonder what the next list will contain...That's me. Already thinking ahead....

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