Tons of expats go without television around here. They manage to find ways to stream shows or just read the news online, etc. I, however, could not go cold turkey without television so I signed up for the "full" cable package. This package has very limited english programming but hey, it's better than nothing.
But who needs english when you're just watching people sleep??? That's right. You heard me correctly. There is a children's programming channel that does not have any regular programming after 8pm b/c that's when kids go to sleep. So instead of shutting off or doing some kind of interim programming, they show people sleeping. Just sleeping...
Can you imagine the casting call for that? Wanted: actors w/ the talent of sleeping. Must know how to snore, drool, & lay motionless.
Think I am kidding? Watch...It starts up about 17 seconds into the clip. Enjoy!
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