Sunday, October 2, 2011

6 Months & Only Indecisiveness Prevails

As time goes on, the days start to melt together. It was only late last night that I even remembered that yesterday was the 1st of the month, & I had reached my 6 month mark here. Unfortunately, I'm not any closer to a decision on how much longer I want to stay & fortunately, I was given an extension on giving the decision.

My thought process is a little like this:

Wake up, realize that I have to bike to work & it's pretty cold outside - "That's it, I'm leaving"
Just before leaving for work, I look in the mirror, realize that the biking is helping me to look a little slimmer - "Oh hells to the no - I gots to stay!"
Get to work & read my emails. Find out that everything that was promised to me the day before, is never gonna happen - "I can just ride a stationary bike back home. I'm blowin' this joint!"
Go to breakfast, realize I don't pay for it (except for a small stipen out of my salary) - "Hmm....maybe I should...."

And basically, this goes on throughout the day. There's falls from the bike (yes, again & again) that make me realize this place isn't for me. Then there's phone calls from nice friends who want to go out sometime in the week that always remind me I am not alone & I should stay. And the vicious cycle continues. 

I won't go on. Let's not bore you with all the details. My promise to you this month is that I will go back to finding the good so that I have something interesting to blog about. 

Stay tuned for more....And just don't give up on me yet. ;-) 

1 comment:

  1. T - You need to stick it out and maximize this situation. you know you won't ride the stationary bike at home. Plus think of how much of Europe you have yet to see!
