Thursday, June 2, 2011

2 Month Update

Yep, It's been 2 months. Time is flying past & I can't decide how happy or sad I am about that. I'm becoming more comfortable with my surroundings. The past few months have taught me alot about myself & yet, I know that there is still so much to learn.

Just as before, I'll recap what I miss & enjoy the most. :)

What I miss:

1. Dopey, Family, & Friends: I don't think that will ever change. And Dopey's recent health issues make it that much harder to be away.  

2. Mani/Pedi's! I didn't go ALL the time but Lord knows that when the feet were starting to look a little too rough, It was time for a quick trip to the nail salon. To do that here would be approx $250 (yes, that's 250 US DOLLARS) for a basic mani/pedi. This is no bueno!

3. DVR - Oh sweet sweet DVR. What a great contraption! Records all my shows and let's me watch them when I am good & ready. My shows aren't played here & I can't stream them b/c of my location. This may be ok now that it's summer & the new seasons won't start until fall but the minute y'all start posting on FB "Ooohh...Parenthood was SOOO good this week" and "SNL was hilarious this week!" ...Yea, I may have a meltdown right around then.  

4. Being all up in your business - It's a little hard to be up to date w/ my friends & be able to be 'in the know' when you are so far away. Love all your emails & attempts to skype but I need more. I just neeeeeeddddd more.

5. Driving. Who cares if it's raining or cold or hot...You can get in a car and turn on the a/c, heater, lower windows, turn on windshield wipers, & get to your destination mostly unaffected by the weather outside.

What I Enjoy:

1. More travel. More. More. MORE! 

2. Accents! It's great to be in a room & hear accents from all different parts of the world. Makes conversations more interesting. I'm also quite fascinated to hear other people's views on the US. People are just amuse me.

3. Looking around & feeling more comfortable. I'm starting to know where things are & enjoy making plans & knowing how to get to these places (sometimes without a map).

4. Realizing that there's more work to be done. Stay tuned there...

5. The friends I am starting to make.

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