Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There is No Grease on the Wheels of Progress

I think it's safe to assume that pretty soon the question of "When are you leaving?" will be exchanged with "Are you still here?!?" My visa application still hasn't been filed since there is some question as to what the acceptable wording should be. In the meantime, I am released from my current position & my new bosses (in Copenhagen) haven't decided what to do with me. I wish it were so easy that a caveman could do it.

I've already been through the following phases:
"Hurry up Alreadyyyyyyyy....I wanna gooooooooo"
"What?!?! Why is this process so damn long?!? FORGET IT! I don't WANT to go anymore." (Cross arms & pout)
"Well, if they really wanted me there, they'd make it happen. Fine! I'll just stay here. Hmph!" (Cross arms & pout)
"But Europe sounds so excitingggggg....I wanna gooooooooo"
"Damn it, I am an American & proud! I am staying!" (Cross arms, pout, & stomp foot on the ground)
"Whyyyyy God Whyyyy? Why me? Why so many complications? Just whyyyy????" (throw arms in air as I fall to my knees in true drama queen fashion)

And now....I've progressed into "Que sera sera. What will be will be". It's very zen. So peaceful. I am sure I will get there & everything happens in its time - ahh - Can you hear that? It's birds singing & a slight breeze is blowing as I hit play on some Yanni, practice my downward dog, & end my days w/ chamomile tea. I accept all the things that I cannot change and I cannot change the beaurocracy and red tape. Sigh...Peace and love, my friends. Peace and love.

And if you are reading this and you think that I have completely gone off the deep end, you are probably right. But what a great place to be. Namaste.


  1. You are so funny girl! I can't wait to read your next blog when I get the email. I feel your pain. I hate waiting for things, especially something big like that. I'm glad you are finding peace within. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe something bad would have happened if you were there already...look at it that way.
    Love ya!

  2. ou are so funny girl! I can't wait to read your next blog when I get the email. I feel your pain. I hate waiting for things, especially something big like that. I'm glad you are finding peace within. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe something bad would have happened if you were there already...look at it that way.
    Love ya!

    I got an error after the first posting so I am putting it again just in case!

  3. LoL as usual! Sounds like the 5 stages of Grief!! Too funny. I'm glad you've accepted the crazy situation! Everything will be ok and will fall into place soon =)Love you!
