Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Official!

Dopey is snoring & dreaming of a time when he would chase tennis balls for at least 2 whole minutes before being tired...& I am next to him, thinking about my 'news'. I'm supposed to be super excited, and I think I am. Hell, I am even blogging right now, which is not something that I thought about doing....But, I think, I mean, I hope, that there's at least 1 or 2 people that want to "follow" me along as I embark on this new adventure.

Earlier today I told my boss that I accepted a 1 year position on a project in København, Danmark!  Telling my boss was harder than telling my mom! I've had the best managers & directors for the past 2 1/2 years that I have ever had....Even thinking of leaving my incredible little department makes me feel guilty. (Insert Celine Dion singing "Because you loved me") But alas, I think it's time for this little bird to spread her wings & fly.

Next up, telling my family. Hmm...I have a feeling that there will be more on that later. The more it sinks in, the more reaction there shall be.  I've been preparing them for this for a couple of weeks but it's real now. It hasn't sunk in for me....Much less for them! Love love love my family...Just gotta keep telling myself that.

And now, we're here. This is where it gets REALLY exciting for me. I get to tell my absolutely fantastic friends about my plans- ok ok...I know. Most of you kinda sorta know...But now, it's official! Start planning your vacay's people because in just a couple of months, I will have an invite to a shoebox of an apartment with YOUR name on it! Well, not literally an invite, but consider this your invite. You+Me+Europe =World Class Good Times! Who's in?!?!


  1. OMG! How exciting! I have been wondering about it and now I can wonder no more. Hmmmm, I may have to start working on getting a passport =)
    Love ya girl

  2. If I didn't have little kids I'd visit you in Denmark, my cousin in Sweden, my college friend near London and my family in Bilbao, Spain. I could go backpacking... the oldest back packer ever! lol I'm happy for you! What an awesome opportunity! Glad you snatched it up!
