Saturday, February 25, 2012

Random Musings

I don't tweet. I don't update my facebook religiously with every thought that goes through my brain. And now we realize I am a terrible blogger too. But I regularly have random little observations & thought it might be worth jotting down a few....

So in no particular order...

Best Comment heard in a meeting regarding Customer Stakeholder Management this week... "Wait. Did you put Customers on the list?" "Oh shit. We forgot the customers!" (Even funnier if you know that we are in Centre Customer Service)

Worst Joke heard in a meeting last week: "What is 6 inches long & won't be sucked on Valentine's Day? Whitney Houston's crack pipe" <- Danes are not very PC. Seriously, I had 2 meetings start w/ this joke last week

Oh, note to all men out there...You really should quit 'flirting' after I tell you I have a boyfriend. I've lied to you for a reason.

No club should ever play the theme song from Rocky. Everyone fake boxing each other is not really what you should be seeing on the dance floor.

Tranny go-go dancers & People playing with fire (literally). That sums up the club I went to last night.

When you have a meeting with your company's new CCO, you should probably confirm your dress is long enough to cover your lady parts. Just sayin'.

It is NOT ok to say "You look great for your age because you love life" Always always drop the 'for your age' part. The lesson here is I need older friends.

When I tell you I am from the US, your face shouldn't look so disappointed.

When I tell you I am from Miami, your follow up question shouldn't be "So you live like luxury?"

When I tell you my father is Cuban, your response should not be "Everyone should visit Cuba now while it still has its beauty & charm. Once Castro dies, the Americans will just make it another tourist trap"

When I tell you what company I work for, you should not assume I am rich. (PS - This only happens in Denmark. The rest of the world knows better)

It is not ok for you to ask me how much my salary is or how much my rent is...especially if you are a colleague.  

It is still disturbing for me to see teenagers walking around with beer cans & champagne bottles. The American in me doesn't believe teenagers should be drinking. Wait...Is that the American in me or the Old Lady in me?

Oh, also, don't start your meeting w/ me by saying "Now take off your jacket & let's get on with it" Makes me feel like I should press play on the ipod & start a show.

In writing the above, I realize I go to too many meetings. Maybe I need to search for a life outside the office.

I will not miss how thin the walls are here. Not interested in hearing my neighbor's conversations that begin promptly at 8 am every Saturday & Sunday.

I'm now confused & disturbed when people randomly start conversations with me. Just another sign that I need to go back to the South.

...I feel so much better now that I have gotten these important items off my chest. Phew. What a relief.

Have a good day y'all. :)
So I've been a little lost. And I don't just mean in reference to my lack of blogging. It's hard to sit & explain the goings on at the moment, mostly because I myself don't know how I feel about everything.

Copenhagen, oh how you confuse me so. My time here is quickly coming to an end & so now the search for work in the US has begun. This is a very bittersweet time for me.

I'm excited to return HOME (Denmark has never really felt like home to me) & be near my loved ones & my doggie who I have missed more than anyone can understand. I'm fascinated by the idea that in a few short months, I can jump into my car & drive over to a salon & not lose my entire salary in getting a manicure. Yep, I haven't changed much & these are still the things I miss. I look forward to understanding every conversation around me. I'm anticipating being in the land of the free & the home of the brave...and more importantly, be able to say that & have someone understand what the hell I am referring to.

But make no mistake, my time spent here has been full of fun, good times, great people, exciting moments, & I will be sad the day it comes to an end. I've come to enjoy my bicycle...and even more importantly, enjoy the fact that I am leaving some lbs in Denmark as a result of it. hehehe.... I'll miss the people that I have grown attached to. I'll miss wearing a scarf all the freaking time, even in summer. I'll miss it all...Well, that's not true. I won't miss it ALL. There's plenty here I won't miss but that's all work related & I won't get into that now.

The point is...when the day comes, there will be a smile on my lips but also a tear in my eye.

Sorry, I don't understand...

Interesting read on how the Danish language & foreigners. Yes, I believe local languages should be preserved, however, sending me an invite to a Danish class in DANISH is a little over the top!